Helene Kask is an artist based in Stockholm, Sweden.
2022 Currently pursuing an MFA, Konstfack University of Art, Craft & Design
2020-2022 BA, Ädellab, Konstfack University of Art, Craft & Design
2020-2019 Folkuniversitetet, Silversmide & Smyckesdesign
2005-2003 BA Fashion Design, Swedish School of Textiles
2002-2001 Tillskärarakademin
2022 Social Club, collaboration with Current Obsession & Undisiplined, Ma Craft!, Konstfack, Altering Bodies, Stockholm
2022 Ma Craft! Konstfack, Altering Bodies, Stockholm
2022 Ädellab, Konstfack, Altering Bodies, Stockholm
2021 Ädellab, Konstfack, Har du dukat bordet?, Känslokroppar, Botkyrka Konsthall, Botkyrka
2021 Ädellab, Konstfack, Tools for: Embodies Spaces, Stockholm
2021 Ädellab, Konstfack, Embodies Spaces, Stockholm
2021 Ädellab, Konstfack, In Between Bodies, Stockholm
2020 Ädellab, Konstfack, Imprints, Stockholm
2020 Ädellab, Konstfack, Metamorphosis, Stockholm
2020 Silversmide & Smyckesdesign, Folkuniversitet,Transcendence, Stockholm
2005 Textilhögskolan i Borås, Nenne Ise, Röda Sten, Göteborg
+15 years working as a Fashion Designer